Sarasota Divorce Attorneys

Divorce cases are about people’s lives. The future of husbands, wives, and children are all affected. Divorce creates questions, such as
- How do we split up property?
- Can I support myself?
- How can I protect the relationship I share with my children?
- Where will I live?
- Where will my children live?
- How do I protect my assets?
Protect your rights throughout the divorce process.
Dealing with complicated family law issues including Divorce, Child Support, Child Custody/Timesharing, Division of Property, and Spousal Support and Alimony can be extremely difficult for you and your family. Having an attorney on your side, whose loyalty and dedication is beyond question, is imperative.
At The Collins Law Group, we understand the emotional strain involved in divorce proceedings and work to reduce the stress that affects our clients and their children by resolving their family law issues quickly and efficiently. We represent clients in Sarasota, Manatee, DeSoto, and Charlotte counties aggressively but with personal attention to the client’s needs. Our attorneys are experienced practitioners, committed to protecting the rights of our clients and serving the best interests of their children.
Answering Your Divorce Questions
Are you currently going through a divorce or are you considering it? Let us help you understand the issues that come with divorce including Child Support, Child Custody, Visitation, Division of Marital Property, and Spousal Support and Alimony. Whatever your needs, we have the skills, resources and experience necessary to successfully bring your case to a conclusion with professionalism, integrity and compassion for you, the client. Our ability to provide our clients with sensitive understanding combined with the legal tools to make informed, objective decisions during these stressful times has given our firm a successful reputation in the Family Law area of practice.
We pledge to work for you to get you and your family through this difficult period. We understand that every case is unique and every situation is different. This might be your first divorce case, but remember it’s not ours. To that end, we strive to be available to our clients on a daily basis and after hours and on weekends when emergencies arise.