Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice Adoption Attorneys

Adoptions require actions and the approval of a court to be final. Each state has its own policies and procedures associated with adoptions. Some states have controls in place to assess the fitness of the adopting parents. Adopted children receive all the family benefits given to natural children. Parents of adopted children have the same legal responsibilities to that of their own child.
Step Parent Adoption
Step parents commonly adopt their stepchildren. This is referred to as second parent adoption. This process involves a natural parent to agree to terminate his or her parental rights. Then, the child can be adopted by the other parent’s new spouse or domestic partner. We have represented step-parent and second parent clients during the adoption process.
The attorneys at The Collins Law Group have the experience you need to guide you through the adoption process. We can have represented step-parents, single people, married couples, and foster parents. We have also helped clients with International and private adoptions.